Thursday, August 27, 2015

What Even is this Blog? Revised

        This music blog is what happens when my parents pay for my Spotify premium account because I'm in college and broke! The worst part about sharing a Spotify account is that only one device can be streaming music at a time, in other words: World War 3 breaks out amongst the family. But. the best part about sharing it is that you also share your playlists! This means my parents can see all of the playlists I make, and I can see all of the playlists they make.
        I'm extremely positive that they don't enjoy this quite as much as I do seeing as I make way more playlists than they do and theirs get stuck at the bottom of the list of playlists under all of mine! But I'll admit from time to time, especially when I'm feeling a little homesick, I listen to their playlists because it reminds me of all of the times I would jam out with them to the different songs growing up.
        I'm sure at this point you're wondering what this all has to do with this blog and why you're still reading this! If you haven't gotten the hint yet, this blog will feature song, album, and artist reviews all based around what songs I find on my parents' playlists on Spotify! I could've definitely focused on the music I listen to, and I almost did, but what's the fun in that? I already know those songs, I'd much rather expand my brain's musical catalog! Based on what I've listened to so far, this blog will most likely feature artists like Jackson Browne, Billy Joel, and Elton John; with the occasional Lumineers and Vance Joy appearances because my Parents clearly know what's up. I probably should inform my Parents that I'm publicly posting their music taste for the whole world to see, but hey who cares?
        Hopefully these songs will get you back in touch with your childhood too, whether it is because they're songs from your youth or your parents'! This blog will probably end up being the light of my life in the dark tunnel that is crappy trap music that you only hear on a college campus. But I'll warn you now if you're not into casual language and someone giving it to you straight with complete lack of sensitivity, you should probably leave this website now, because I believe strongly in freedom of speech! Also you might have noticed all of the exclamation marks, I swear I'm not yelling at you,  I'm just very enthusiastic. Notice how I ended the one sentence about enthusiasm with just a period, ah the irony! Anyway, I'll leave you to enjoy the future of this blog now, I hope it expands your love and knowledge of music as much as it expands mine!
        Until next post,
               The Favorite Child

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